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About Me


I'm a first year astronomy graduate student and NSF graduate research fellow at the University of Arizona Steward Observatory. I study tidal disruption events, when a star is torn apart by a supermassive black hole, with Dr. Kate Alexander as part of the Steward Observatory Novel Astrophysical Transient Alliance (SONATA). Specifically, I am focused on improving our understanding of galactic nuclei, black holes, and accretion processes by studying large numbers of tidal disruption events. This has only recently become possible with the increase in numbers of known tidal disruption events.

In spring 2023, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Siena College with a B.S. Degree. In undergraduate, I double majored in Physics and Applied Data Science and obtained minors in Astronomy and Mathematics. During these four years, I also discovered my strong interests in astronomy, big data, data science, and programming. Throughout undergraduate, I explored a wide variety of research interests including working with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, Berkeley Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and The University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. See my CV for more details.


In my spare time I pursue many (probably too many) hobbies. To list a few, I play ultimate frisbee, hike and backpack, alpine ski, and mountain bike. I have played Ultimate Frisbee since my first year of high school on numerous teams across a wide variety of regions. I've mostly hiked and backpacked along the east coast, primarly in New York's Adirondack State Park, and have recently begun hiking more in Arizona since moving here! These athletic activities take up most of my time but I also like to travel and take photos, especially landscapes.